
by Straight From MG and RandomPerson3465

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Livecountsedit FAQ

Livecountsedit is a website that allows you to make fake subscriber and follower counts for fun.
There could be a few reasons for this.
  • If the site was recently updated, your browser may still have the old version cached. To fix this, visit this article.
  • Bugs, errors, or glitches: Please report them in our Discord server.
  • JavaScript needs to be enabled on your browser, and make sure you're not blocking any parts of the site (or external libraries that the site uses, such as Highcharts for graphs) using firewalls, antivirus software, or browser extensions.
  • Corrupted save data (for counters that use save data): This could be a result of a bug, importing sketchy/corrupted save files, or pasting stuff into the browser console. If this is the case, reset your data (if possible), if not, then you will need to clear your browser's local storage for You can clear local storage easily by going to the main page, scrolling down, and pressing the red button that says "RESET ALL DATA."
  • Livecountsedit gets updated whenever the owners feel like it. Occasionally, plans and leaks for future Livecountsedit updates may be announced in our Discord server, but please note that updates are never 100% guaranteed.
    To create suggestions for Livecountsedit, join our Discord server.
    We currently aren't planning to add new counters, but you can still suggest them in our Discord server.
    This is an issue that is known to occur on Safari on the YT Studio theme since version 6.10.5. To fix this, you can use an older version (v6.9) or use the "set margin on top of count" setting.
    Straight from MG has a tutorial on YouTube:

    Make a fork of our Github repository, make changes in your fork, and then create a pull request on the original with your fork.